Spring Clean up for Mount Patricia Cemetery is scheduled for the week May 2 – May 8. Our cemetery caretakers will be in the cemetery cleaning up Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm and can provide you with a garbage bag. If you visit outside of our regular business hours, you will have to bring garbage bags. Bring gloves to help with picking up debris and please remember to be compliant to all Public Health Guidelines. We look forward to seeing others visit and help with this spring cleanup.
Public Health Guidance for All Alert Levels
The following measures will continue to be a part of our daily lives at every Alert Level:
- Staying informed and being prepared to follow public health advice.
- Practicing good hygiene (wash your hands, avoid touching your face, cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue).
- Maintaining a physical distance of at least 2 arm lengths. Use a non-medical or cloth mask when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- Frequent cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces.
- Staying at home and away from others when you are sick, unless it is to get medical attention.
- Wearing a non-medical or cloth mask when going out to access health care services or visiting indoor public spaces.
- Working from home, where possible.
- Continuing to shop online and using curbside pickup, where possible.
- Limiting non-essential travel outside of the province.
- Keeping a log of when you go out in public and your interactions with others.
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms, use the online COVID-19 Assessment and Referral tool or call 811 if you do not have internet access.